Typographic Stamps
In collaboration with my friend, Taylor, I created stamps to be creatively put together to form typographic characters. Each of us created our own individual set of stamps on our own without consulting the other. We created an alphabet with our stamps then switched stamp sets to see how the other person would approach creating an alphabet differently. On critique day is when we revealed what we did with each other's stamps.
Starting off, we each gave each other a location to go to to draw inspiration from.
Taylor sent me to a park nearby my house.

Next, I finalized the shapes to use in the final stamps and cut them into linoleum. Here are the final designs:

With my set, I created the alphabet on the left, while Taylor created the alphabet on the right:

For Taylor, I instructed her to go to a different park nearby her house.
This is her final set of stamps from the inspiration she got at her location:

With Taylor's set, my version of the alphabet is on the left, while hers is on the right:

In addition to creating the alphabets, we did a few non-restricted collaborative prints. When we swapped stamps, we left a few extra pieces that included our own play with the stamps and opened it up for the other person to add on and layer in another color.

**post-COVID we plan to mount the stamps onto 'type high' wood blocks to one day be able to print them on letterpress